Roman Catholic Schedule for Merlin Woods Primary School
We are a Roman Catholic school (which is established in connection with the Minister) aimed at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil: intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual, including a living relationship with God and with other people. Our school models and promotes a philosophy of life inspired by a belief in God and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Catholic school provides Religious education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and promotes the formation of the pupils in the Catholic Faith.
Commitment |
Merlin Woods Primary School is committed to the holistic development of its pupils and strives to enable every child to fulfil his/her potential. It is a school committed to high academic standards, mediating the Primary School Curriculum in a meaningful way. The school is committed to providing a caring, safe and encouraging environment for all its pupils and staff members, while promoting the Catholic ethos of the school.
Collaboration |
The success of Merlin Woods Primary School depends a great deal on the collaboration of all members of its school community in having a shared vision. We believe pupils, parents, staff, the Board of Management, and the wider community should work together, in an inclusive and open way to develop Merlin Woods into an effective school, through regular consultation and communication.
Community |
Merlin Woods Primary School is the core of a vibrant and young community. It is a stable and central hub which promotes strong civic inclusivity and involvement, particularly with parents. It helps bring together a diverse community and develop a unique sense of belongingness. Merlin Woods Primary School is a vital element in the development of the area’s most valuable asset... its people.
School Information
Mainstream Classrooms - 16
Autism Classes - 2
Pupils 23/24 - Over 380 pupils
40 Staff Members
Autism Classes - 2
Pupils 23/24 - Over 380 pupils
40 Staff Members