School PrincipalPaula O' Connor
Bachelor of Education, MSc. i nGnó agus Teicneolaíocht an Eolais, Post Graduate Diploma in School Development and Planning, Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership and Management in Education. Paula was appointed Principal to Merlin Woods Primary School prior to the school opening in September 2010. She believes passionately in Merlin Woods Primary School and its importance at the centre of a vibrant young community. Prior to taking up her position as principal, Paula was seconded as a Curriculum advisor with the Department of Education and Skills, working as a DEIS Advisor to schools and teachers in the areas of literacy, numeracy and whole school planning for their own continuous professional development. Paula is trained as a tutor in the programmes of Ready, Set, Go - Maths, First Steps Reading, First Steps Writing and First Steps Speaking and Listening. She was also the first tutor in Galway for Aistear, the infant curriculum framework. She takes great pride in bringing these programmes to Merlin Woods Primary School and encouraging continuous professional development amongst the school staff themselves. |
Deputy PrincipalElaine O' Malley
Currently On Leave A member of staff from the start, Elaine has thoroughly enjoyed the fast-moving pace of growth and development that we have had in Merlin Woods. Having been Acting Principal for four years in her previous school, Elaine’s experience in school management has been a huge asset to our school. She has led the school participation in the Junior First Lego League (a junior engineering and robotics project) and strongly advocates the use of ICT as a teaching and learning methodology. Elaine was instrumental in establishing the school website. |
Teaching Staff
Junior Infant Teachers
Senior Infant TeachersJob Share Senior Infants ASenior Infants BFirst Class TeachersSecond Class TeachersThird Class TeachersFourth Class TeachersFifth Class TeachersSixth Class TeachersAutism ClassesSpecial Education Teachers |